Corporate University TMK2U

About corporate university TMK2U

About us

The official opening of TMK2U Corporate University took place in November 2017.

Our results for 5 years in numbers:


training programs


HR business processes


corporate business coaches

12 000+

questions for professional tests developed

750 000+

times employees completed e-courses

65 000+

employees – our target audience

10 000+

the total area of the training sites

5 000+

reserve candidates evaluated


electronic educational platform SOTA2U


e-learning courses developed


MOBI2U corporate mobile app


international forum "Horizons" organized in 2023

We use training centers located on the territory of the company's enterprises, as well as our own classrooms located in R&D center in Moscow. Our sites:

Headquarters in Moscow

Training base

640 m2, up to 8 classrooms

Digital technologies

Mobile computer class, 3 interactive touch panels, 2 video conferencing systems

Areas of training

All forms and directions of training that do not require special equipment

STZ facility

Training base

1500 m2, 8 classrooms, training and production shop (4 specialized training classes, mechanical workshop)

Digital technologies

2 computer labs, interactive whiteboards, videoconferencing

Areas of training

Specialization: 25 professions, 8 areas of secondary vocational education

All forms and directions of training

SinTZ facility

Training base

2,446,8 m2, including:
- 1 100 m2 - production area of the Training ground;
- 680 m2 - Educational and information section Tube Hi Tech;
- 348.2 m2 - 8 computer classes;
- 318.6 m2 - 8 classrooms

Digital technologies

1. 8 computer classes
2. Simulator simulating the operation of the HPT-32 mill (located at the training ground) - for training in the profession of "Rolling mill cold rolled pipes"
3. Simulator simulating the operation of CNC machines: MSC-25, VSC-400, TTM-16, USC21/190, USC21/260 (located at the training ground) - for training in the professions "Pipe and billet cutter", "Adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines"
4. Simulator simulating the operation of TPA-140" (placed at the training ground) - for training in the profession of "Hot rolled pipe mill roller"
5. Horizontal CNC lathe Goodway GLS-1500 - for training in the professions of "Pipe and billet cutter", "Adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines"
6. 2 hydraulic stands - for laboratory work on the courses of study of hydraulic drives and hydraulic automation with servo-hydraulics and proportional hydraulics
7. Multimedia platform of the TubeHiTech Educational and Information Section (3 interactive kiosks, interactive panel, LED screen, sound equipment)

Areas of training

Specialization: 96 professions, 64 target courses. All forms and directions of training

TAGMET facility

Training base

544 m2, 4 classrooms, 7 specialized training classes

Digital technologies

2 computer classes, video conferencing, simulator simulator "Cutter of pipes and blanks", educational and laboratory complex "Hydraulics"

Areas of training

Specialization: 92 professions, 34 target courses programs. All forms and directions of training

VTZ facility

Training base

2267 m2, 11 classrooms, 2 specialized classrooms

Digital technologies

- 3 computer classes, video conferencing
- Simulator simulator TPA 159-426 for training in the professions of "Engineer-technologist", "Control post operator", "Hot rolled pipe roller"
- Hydraulic stand
- VR simulator "Safety Polygon"

Areas of training

Specialization: 156 professions. All forms and directions of training

OMZ facility

Training base

643 m2, 3 auditoriums, production shop

Digital technologies

- 2 computer classes (one class is equipped with 10 PCs with video conferencing, touch panel; in the second class 10 PCs)
- Training and demonstration installation "Hydraulics" (class "Hydraulic drives")
- Training machines "Milling" - 3 pcs. and "Turning" – 3 pcs. (class "Software-controlled machines")

Areas of training

Specialization: 6 professions. All forms and directions of training

CHTPZ facility

Training base

640 m2, 5 classrooms, 2 specialized classrooms, a production site in the pipe and electric welding shop No. 6

Digital technologies

2 computer classes

Areas of training

Specialization: 117 professions. All forms and directions of training

PNTZ facility

Training base

517 m2, 12 classrooms, 2 specialized classrooms

Digital technologies

2 computer classes
Exercise equipment:
- Training and demonstration installation "Hydraulics"
- Electric simulator: a full-size crane cabin with cargo models
- Electric Hoist

Areas of training

Specialization: 218 professions. All forms and directions of training


Training base

600 m2, 10 classrooms

Areas of training

All forms and directions of training that do not require special equipment

Educational activities of the University are conducted in the following areas: UniTech, UniCom, UniUp, UniEx, UniPro, UniTeam. #AchieveMore and #BeLeader – these are the principles on which all our programs are based. We are a conductor of the ideology of continuous development and improvement, a carrier of values that form "corporate citizenship", a channel of new knowledge.

Welcome to TMK2U Corporate University programs!

Our main tasks

  • - Building a complete system for managing the company's employees ' competence
  • – Creation of modern educational products based on digital technologies, already confirmed their effectiveness
  • – To build an effective system of personnel training – to make programs more accessible to students, optimal in terms of resources spent and replicated between enterprises and divisions of the company
  • - Organization of direct dialogue between line employees and experts in the field
  • - Combining the experience and efforts of all TMK divisions, using their resources for corporate purposes, building a system of training and development of personnel throughout the company, and building a system of training and development of personnel throughout the company
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